Thursday, August 20, 2009

Amazon's 1984 e-Book Bungle

Read more about it at The Know Something Project page at:

Ooo, just when the e-book market was just taking off! Although this was an inauspicious move by Amazon that hopefully made everyone mindful of the fact that buying an e-book on Kindle (or some other proprietary format on someone else's special hardware) is very different from purchasing a physical book. You don't own it. You've signed away your rights to owning it in the electronic format. You've only paid for the privilege of having it reside on your e-reader until Amazon decides to zap it into oblivion wirelessly.

I love the fact that it was Orwell's book. That's so ironic. Big Brother is watching. Amazon as Big Brother. Next he'll let the government know what books you're buying...what thoughts you're entertaining...whether you're being a bad/naughty/rebellious citizen. Or he'll sell your buying habits to other companies and they'll start marketing to you based on what books you're buying. Yow.

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