Friday, June 26, 2009

Thing #9: More Facebook

Okay, "Never mind" as Roseanne Roseannadanna used to say after her rant...

I opened a Facebook account. It was easy and I can keep everything private. What a hoot—I discovered my 20-something nephews are on there. I've also made a friend and posted a few silly messages on my wall, as well as on his.

Not being of the Millennial generation, I'm still sort of stumped as to why everyone thinks that anyone else is so interested in what they're posting. I've been reading a lot about the phenomenon, but it's still very much a quandary to me.

A recent article gave some insightful information on this, entitled "Generation Y: We're just not that into Twitter" on cnet News (June 23, 2009).

If you're like me and looking for a way to better understand Generation Y, read this article. I'm tempted to pick up the book by the 2 Ph.D. authors that's mentioned in there, "The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement" by Twenge and Campbell.

I joined 3 groups: 1) In the Library With the Lead Pipe; 2) Libraries and Librarians; and 3) Digital Libraries. I need to cogitate some more about the fan portion...

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